Happy Hounds Dog Training & Secure Dog Walking Fields
Happy Hounds Dog Training & Secure Dog Walking Fields
Happy Hounds Dog Training & Secure Dog Walking Fields

Technical Help
Technical Help
F.A.Q.s on Website & Acuity Technical Issues
As we receive questions from our customers we will update our F.A.Q. pages accordingly
so always check here first before contacting us.
Miscellaneous Frequently Asked Questions
Miscellaneous Frequently Asked Questions
What are popup tabs?
What are popup tabs?
This website has normal pages that you use to book our services in our main tab and a number of pages which always open up in a new tab of your browser. This is to make sure that you do not lose your place in the main tab. The idea is for you to read what is on the popup tab and then close it and return to your main tab.
Popup tabs are used for the help pages, booking terms page and the 3 skill levels in dog training. A popup tab has a yellow banner near the top and the links in the page footers are removed to encourage you to close the popup tab.
Technical Enquiries
Technical Enquiries
Further Questions?
Further Questions?
If you cannot find an answer in the help page above, please email us.
If you have a question about the website, dog training or a general enquiry, you need to go to the top of this page, click Help Start Page on the blue bar and then select the correct help page for your enquiry.
If you cannot find an answer in the help page above, please email us.
If you have a question about the website, dog training or a general enquiry, you need to go to the top of this page, click Help Start Page on the blue bar and then select the correct help page for your enquiry.